Derrick's Journey

Derrick, a state certified mental health Peer Specialist, brings his own unique perspective and experiences to the table. He has overcome countless challenges and is now dedicated to helping others on their recovery journey.


May is Mental Health Awareness Month. End the stigma around Mental Health- talk to someone. There is help- There is HOPE!


If you or someone you know are struggling with mental health issues, ask for help. There is no shame in asking for help. It is a sign of strength. You are not alone. There is help, there is HOPE! Reach out- you matter - we care!


So, you have decided to get help with your mental health! Awesome! There are many types of therapies available. Did you know that you have the right to decide what is best for you? That is right- you do have a say. There is traditional therapy, CBT, EMDR, medication, holistic and others. It can be confusing. One way to expire these is to talk with others, get insights to what has helped them. So, the next question you may ask- How do I find others? A great way is to check out a peer support group. These groups are safe places where people share their stories and support each other. 

Reach out

you matter - we care


Join Derrick on the Journey to Recovery

Discover Derrick's valuable insights and resources to support your personal growth and healing.